There’s No Relishing Your Pain - Recover Quickly with Ice and Heat Wraps

Everyday physical activity, especially in your teenage and young years, can take a toll on your joints, limbs, and the overall body. Even though the healing period is quick during these youthful days, sometimes too much exertion can lead to a burn, rash, swelling or a condition where it is difficult to move your limbs and give in your 100% every time. For others at an older age who’ve been continuously playing sports - tennis elbow, Golfers elbow, tendinitis, and other such problems can cause inflammation and be the real reason for a long-standing, lingering pain. This affects people, their daily routine and can bring a halt to one’s career, whether professional or amateur, doesn’t matter. The great Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar despite being one of the best in the history of cricket was one of the many who was constantly troubled by tennis elbow, one such problem affecting the joints and limbs especially. Do you have a problem that’s on the same lines yet troubling you ...