4 Exercises to Treat Your Elbow Pain at Home

Tennis elbow is the painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of the elbow resulting from the overuse of lower arm muscles. The condition can cause irritation, pain, and exhaustion on your hand. Individuals coping with tennis elbow can treat the pain at home by doing regular exercise. If you are dealing with this condition, try these effective exercises to reduce the pain. Fist squeeze This one is the most simple exercising method you can do at any time. Take a rolled-up towel or a ball and place it on the palm. Now, hold the ball with all your fingers and squeeze it tightly. Keep it like that for 10 seconds and release the ball. Repeat the process ten more times and shift it to the other hand. If you feel pain, apply elbow ice wraps for pain relief and relaxation. Lift small dumbbell Lift a lightweight dumbbell and bend your elbow at 90° upward. Now, slowly extend the hand forwards while the palm is facing above. Take the hand down and hold the dumbbell for a...