
Showing posts from July, 2020

3 Most Common Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries are quite inconvenient and common. Athletes who play overhead sports or someone whose job requires excessive and repetitive overhead motion are most vulnerable to these injuries. However, pain in the shoulder doesn’t always mean an injury. It is always best to consult your physician to diagnose an injury. Moreover, here are the most common shoulder injuries that you should know about. 1. Sprains and strains Sprains and strains top the list of the most common shoulder injuries. It is because it can happen to almost anyone (non-athlete). They occur when the shoulder ligaments are stretched. The most common signs of sprains and strains are swelling and tenderness in the collar bone area and mild pain. In cases of such sprains and strains, you can buy shoulder ice wraps and treat yourself in the comfort of your home. 2. Instability It occurs when the structures surrounding the shoulder joint are unable to secure the ball within its socket. Instability...